Impact of Climate Change on Insurance Industry

  • Dr. Som Majumdar
Keywords: Climate change, Global warming, Green house gas, Paris Accord, Natural disaster


Human emissions of greenhouse gases are already changing our climate. This paper provides an overview of the relation between climate change and weather extremes, and examines how the climate change leading to global warming caused weather perils in form of natural disasters around the world. The captioned article attempts to demonstrate how the surface temperature of the earth is continuously heated primarily caused by human intervention generating huge a mount of Green House Gases (GHG) that led to rise in sea level in an alarming range posing a great threat of inundation of many low lying nations around the
world. In the course of analysis of impact of global warming on insurance industry, citation of various statistics has been incorporated. The paper attempts to explain by reference to Paris Accord how the protocol endorsed by 194 nations could assist in stabilisation of green house gas concentration in the atmosphere in an attempt to in an attempt to limit the global temperature increase by 2100 to less than 2 degree Celsius.

How to Cite
Majumdar, D. S. (2019). Impact of Climate Change on Insurance Industry. Bimaquest, 19(2). Retrieved from