India: The Consumer Protection Act 2019 – Exposures & Liability Insurance Protection

  • P. Umesh
Keywords: Consumer Protection Act, Consumer, Central Consumer Protection Authority, Product Liability and Liability Insurance


Governments all over the world are passing legislations to ensure protection to the consumer in every field. In India, Repealing The Consumer Protection Act, 1986, The Consumer Protection Act 2019 was enacted to address the many and constantly emerging vulnerabilities of the consumers. What do these changes in the legislation mean and hold for liability insurance in India? The articles discusses some of the major changes and their influence on liability insurance and talks about the relevance particularly of product liability and professional indemnity insurance policies. The likely impact on liability insurance can be gauged from the
fact that an entire chapter in the Act is dedicated to product liability.

How to Cite
Umesh, P. (2019). India: The Consumer Protection Act 2019 – Exposures & Liability Insurance Protection. Bimaquest, 19(3). Retrieved from